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10 votes

Escreve-se “Qatar”, “Quatar”, “Catar” ou “Katar”?

Formalmente, a escrita correta é Catar, com C. A página sobre o Catar na Wikipedia aceita duas definições: Catar (que aparentemente é a mais comum) e Qatar. Ao meu ver, o critério mais decisivo é o da ...
Evandro Teixeira's user avatar
8 votes

Qual é a origem de «Tiago» e «Thiago»?

Ao que parece, segundo o Wikipédia e as fontes citadas lá, tens alguma razão, (ênfase minha) Tiago é, na verdade, uma corruptela da outra versão portuguesa de Ya'acov que é Iago. O nome Tiago ...
Jorge B.'s user avatar
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7 votes

República Checa ou Chéquia?

Ambos estão corretos. Em 2016, a República Checa aprovou em parlamento a adoção de um nome abreviado para o país - que, em português europeu*, é Chéquia (em inglês, Czechia). Desde então que ambos os ...
Rye's user avatar
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7 votes

Where are the patronymic surnames of Hebraic origin?

It says here that before their forced conversions Portuguese Jews had "easily recognizable" names (I don't know if that's true) and it gives a long list. It also says: Como característica geral, os ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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5 votes

Have there ever been alternative names for the days of the week?

Galician-Portuguese had its version of the old Roman names for weekdays, and we find a handful of instances of them in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries in this Corpus do Português and Corpo ...
Jacinto's user avatar
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5 votes

Second given name vs. First surname

In Brazil it can be either. It's not unusual for parents to chose only one surname for their child, usually the father's surname. How can you tell, then, if a middle word is part of one's surname? ...
Centaurus's user avatar
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5 votes

Can 'Lourdes' be a boy's name?

According to IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística — Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) on, in Brazil there were at least 20 ...
Schilive's user avatar
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5 votes

Why are so many Portuguese still surnamed Assunção, in 2022?

Why are so many Portuguese still surnamed Assunção, in 2022? There aren't actually that many, this is a fairly rare surname. And the current year is not of much relevance, since changing one's ...
stafusa's user avatar
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4 votes

Escreve-se “da” e “do” em sobrenome com letra minúscula ou maiúscula?

Em terras brasileiras, não existe certo ou errado quando se trata de nomes e sobrenomes. O correto é a forma como está escrito no documento oficial de identidade, e ponto final. Sem nenhum estudo ...
Centaurus's user avatar
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4 votes

How scholar Baker compares two English translations of “analisou-se”?

Well, “analisou-se as relações” means that someone analysed the relations, so “an analysis” of the relations was indeed carried out. So it is a free translation, but a correct one. Now, analisou-se as ...
Jacinto's user avatar
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3 votes

Second given name vs. First surname

It can be both. You generally can tell because most given names and surnames are distinct. Sometimes the two groups of names are separated by de or dos (though de can also be used to unite two words ...
Artefacto's user avatar
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2 votes

Qual é o nome dos conjunto de caracteres numéricos?

De acordo com a Wikipedia, o conjunto dos algarismos é mesmo denominado de algarismos arábicos ou indo-arábicos (ênfase meu): Algarismos arábicos ou indo-arábicos são os dez dígitos: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
JNat's user avatar
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Have there ever been alternative names for the days of the week?

In 2018 a proposal was made to have the weekdays named «pai, mãe, donzela, velha, guerreiro, artífice e forasteiro». This proposal, however, did not find wide acceptance. It was not considered ...
ANeves's user avatar
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2 votes

Second given name vs. First surname

There are actually four different things. Maternal surnames, such as José Nóbrega da Silva. Second given names, such as Ana Carla Pereira. The first part of a composite paternal surname, like ...
Luís Henrique's user avatar
2 votes

Second given name vs. First surname

In Portugal, the middle word in a name with 3 words will be a first surname. Usually, people get one or two first names and then two or four family names. They get family name from the mother's side, ...
ANeves's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the meaning of -son in male Brazilian first names?

Many of these names are inventions. I disagree with people saying that is a recent trend, to make up this names to sound more chic or American. For instance, my friend’s Brazilian grandfather was “...
Wanderer's user avatar
2 votes

What is the meaning of -son in male Brazilian first names?

Having no data to back me up, I would say the first given names ending in -son were imported during the nineteenth century from English speaking countries and, indirectly, from Sweden (where -son used ...
Centaurus's user avatar
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1 vote

Como decompor o significado dum título como «Oficial 4º Ajudante»?

Bom, vamos começar pelo princípio... "Oficial 4o Ajudante" não é uma frase, é somente um título, um cargo. Neste caso, para ter uma frase completa, você precisaria do predicado (verbo + ...
Juliana Karasawa Souza's user avatar
1 vote

Can 'Lourdes' be a boy's name?

Yes, "Lourdes" can a boy's name, in the sense that giving this name to a boy is not illegal in Brazil, and also that there are dozens of males with this name on record - check Schilive's ...
stafusa's user avatar
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1 vote

Can 'Lourdes' be a boy's name?

Há anos, as Certidões de Nascimento eram feitas em máquinas de datilografia ou até manualmente. E nem sempre quem ia registrar a criança era alfabetizado para poder verificar o erro. Poderia ser erro ...
Julia's user avatar
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Sobrenomes em citações de revistas internacionais

Essa é uma pergunta que se encaixa melhor no Academia SE, sob a tag "personal-name", mas talvez seja válido ter essa informação em português. Alguns pontos gerais básicos: se registre no ...
stafusa's user avatar
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1 vote

Second given name vs. First surname

Complementing Centaurus answer, let me remark that very often only the first and last names are used (e.g., when filling a form), simply because that's more practical than dealing with multiple names. ...
stafusa's user avatar
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