According to Elza Soares Wikipedia entry, her first husband was named Lourdes Antônio Soares.

Can 'Lourdes' be a boy's name in Brazil? Is this information correct?

Since Elsa took her husbands name 'Soares', I assume 'Soares' is here correctly given as her husband's last name.
To me "Antônio Lourdes" would sound more masculine, in the same way as 'José Maria' is a masculine name.

  • Me's of Braziland. I've only seen "Lurdes", but the author may have written "Lourdes" for an English speaker to say it similar to a Portuguese speaker. "L(o)urdes" for a boy is not something that I've seen, although names can be anything and anyone's, so I believe it is correct for a Brazilian, just maybe uncommon.
    – Schilive
    Commented Mar 12, 2021 at 20:30
  • 1
    @Schilive: well, in the pt.wiki they also talk about Lourdes. He was born long ago (maybe 100 yrs ago), one possibility is that it was written like that in the past. Commented Mar 12, 2021 at 22:21
  • Quora Fens, names' spelling varie so much in any language, so maybe it was written and spoken like that, maybe it was a try of writing according to etymology. There are many possibilities. But as the point of your question was if it is or not a possible name for a Brazilian boy, the answer is yes. I don't know if it is/was common, but surely possible.
    – Schilive
    Commented Mar 12, 2021 at 22:50
  • @Schilive: do you know any famous man named 'Lurdes'? I can only find it applied to women (or places). Commented Mar 13, 2021 at 0:23
  • Quora Feans, I don't know any, but there must be at least one.
    – Schilive
    Commented Mar 13, 2021 at 0:39

6 Answers 6


According to IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística — Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) on https://censo2010.ibge.gov.br/nomes/#/search, in Brazil there were at least 20 males being born with the name “Lurdes” at least since 1930 to 1970:

Frequency of people being born with the name "Lurdes" in Brazil since 1930

But also with the name “Lourdes”:

Frequency of people being born with the name "Lourdes" in Brazil since 1930

Therefore, a Brazilian male can have the name “Lourdes” or “Lurdes”, even though it is absurdly uncommon.

Interesting that the chances of seeing a man with the name should be even rarer since the chances of a baby getting to adulthood was lower at the time.

  • Excellent. It's worth it noticing that frequencies below 20 are not shown ("Somente são apresentados os nomes cuja frequência é maior ou igual a 20") and that's probably why the plot stops in 1970 (for females, for whom, by the way, "Lourdes" also displays a huge drop in popularity, the plots goes until 2000).
    – stafusa
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 17:47
  • @stafusa, thanks. I didn't mention because I didn't think it mattered for the question, since it is just “can ‘Lourdes’ be a boy's name?”. But I've already got an idea. Thanks for commenting.
    – Schilive
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 18:06
  • I agree it's not important, I only mention it as a curiosity, because the range of the graph looked strange to me, so it was nice the website had an explanation.
    – stafusa
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 18:07
  • @stafusa, I looked at the graph multiple times, while and after doing the answer, and I didn't notice the weird range. Thanks for commenting.
    – Schilive
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 18:12
  • Well, that settles the issue, even if it seems to be similar to A Boy Named Sue-type of situation. Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 21:19

Há anos, as Certidões de Nascimento eram feitas em máquinas de datilografia ou até manualmente. E nem sempre quem ia registrar a criança era alfabetizado para poder verificar o erro. Poderia ser erro de digitação ou de comunicação mesmo. Naquela época, deveria haver muitos sotaques distintos cuja conversação poderia ser confusa. Encaminhada pelo link que postou, está no texto: "Aos 12 anos, foi forçada pelo pai a se casar com Lourdes Antônio Soares, também conhecida como Alaúrdes". Ou seja, o mais provável é que o nome deveria ser ALAÚRDES e o cartório registrou erroneamente como LOURDES.


Yes, "Lourdes" can a boy's name, in the sense that giving this name to a boy is not illegal in Brazil, and also that there are dozens of males with this name on record - check Schilive's answer.

But it should also be said that, as attested many other answers and also by "baby name" sites such as:

"Lourdes" is overwhelmingly considered to be a female name in Portuguese. Also, according to IBGE, there are some 165'000 females with this name, and only 194 males in Brazil (with comparable numbers for "Lurdes").


No Brasil, normalmente quem tem o nome de Lourdes são mulheres, é raro encontrar algum homem com esse nome.


No Brasil existe muito preconceito com alguns tipos de nomes, e com certeza o nome Lourdes em uma criança do sexo masculino iria gerar bullying pois é muito associado à pessoas do gênero feminino. Nomes como Maria de Lourdes são bastante comuns em nosso país.


Por conta da pronuncia brasileira o nome Lurdes parece ser mais feminino , mas quando pronunciado em inglês som ai sim já soa familiar aos nomes masculinos que temos hoje no Brasil. Portando,não geralmente será um nome usado para menina

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