The word "Maçarico" refers to a tool that sets fire, used for many purposes. I did some research and discovered that it also refers to a specific type of bird.
However, when I was listening to the music "Numa Numa" by the band "Onda Choc" (portuguese version of the famous song dragostea din tei), I noticed that in the song the word "Maçarico" is used in another way:
Alô! Olá jóia! Sou eu de novo! O Picasso! Mas não me faças num fanico. Eu não sou um maçarico!
Eu liguei, numa boa, hei! Numa boa, hei! Numa numa boa, hei! Eu cá estou, sem drama aguardarei. O amor vem mas também vai.
See the video here(BTW, very funny video)
What's the meaning of the word "Maçarico" in this context?