The simple future can also be used to indicate probability. This is different from something which we know is yet to occur. Translating loosely:
- Maria terá uns vinte amigos que já conhecem o seu marido.
O tempo futuro também pode ser usado para indicar a probabilidadeCould be taken as any of:
- Maria’s probably got twenty friends who already know her husband.
- Maria has to have some twenty friends who already know her husband.
- Maria must have like twenty friends who already know her husband.
Using the future to indicate probability happens in English, too, like when the doorbell rings and somebody says “That’ll be the pizza. Isto é diferente de algo que sabemos que ainda terá lugar”
For questions that begin with Será que, it’s a conjecture like starting with “might” or “do you think/suppose” in English.
- Será que vai chover?
would be something like:
- Might it rain?
- Do you suppose it will rain?
- Do you think maybe it’ll rain?
- Think it’s gonna rain?
Sometimes when the next verb is in the past, it can start with Seria que, although it doesn’t have to:
- Será que eles já conheciam o seu marido de antemão?
- Seria que eles já conheciam o seu marido de antemão?
Might work out to:
- Perhaps they already knew her husband before?
- Do you think they already knew her husband from before?
- Could they already know her husband from before?
- Could it be that they already knew her husband beforehand?