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Jun 18, 2020 at 8:34 history edited CommunityBot
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Sep 30, 2015 at 21:35 comment added Artefacto @guifa and Jacinto I've revised my answer and added something about prospectivity, maybe you can tell me whether you agree.
Sep 30, 2015 at 20:58 comment added Jacinto Oh that. I knew that already. But quando voltares de Londres, já vou ter carta de condução doesn't feel quite as compelling as quando voltares de Londres, vamos festejar a minha carta de condução. And já terei carta sounds ok in the former, but festejaremos sounds formal in the latter. I wonder why that is.
Sep 30, 2015 at 20:44 comment added user0721090601 @Jacinto not at all. Those are all actions that will take place after right now. But the non-future speculative uses are not really swappable with ir+inf. Ele está doente. Terá a gripe? (vai ter gripe doesn't really fit) ir+inf can be used elsewhere though: ia comer (occurs after a past action), vou comer (occurs after present).
Sep 30, 2015 at 16:44 comment added Jacinto @guifa Are you saying then, that ir inf. would be out of place in my examples (f) - ((h)? Cause I'd feel uncofortable about it there. As to the future tense being a separate mood entirely, I'd say it's a bit too much. We can use it to talk about the future. It's just that we tend not to except in formal language.
Sep 30, 2015 at 3:23 comment added user0721090601 Probably worth noting that some grammarians have considered the simple future in Iberian languages to be part of a separate mood entirely. The A.Ll.A. actually codifies the future as the present of the potential mood. I dunno if that term has been tossed about in Lusophone circles. the ir inf. construction really only implies that an action will happen after the given time frame (and can be used in more than just the present), but lacks all the other possibilities.
Sep 29, 2015 at 22:52 comment added Jacinto Ainda bem. Isto foi uma coisa em que eu me pus a pensar com a tua observação acerca do . Depois lerei isso. Mas página 703?! Isso não é uma tese; é uma tesão!
Sep 29, 2015 at 22:49 comment added Artefacto Já agora, aqui parece concordar com o tua opinião sobre um começo: "En la última (16) ["O sol vai nascer"], ir+infinitivo tiene el valor aspectual ingresivo y temporal de inmediato, recordemos que esta perífrasis sí posee valor aspectual prospectivo puede ser, entre otros, ingresivo o incoativo"
Sep 29, 2015 at 22:35 comment added Artefacto Hás de ler aqui esta tese de doutoramento Podes começar na página 703 onde está uma discussão sobre "já" que me passa ao lado, mas depois discute contraste futuro simples/perifrstico. Após ler mais castelhano do que gostaria, parece-me que os contrastes são futuro remoto/futuro imediato, -certeza/+certeza, quase-previsão/intenção e aquilo a que ele chama "conteúdo aspetual prospetivo": na perífrase o ponto de origem coincide com o momento da enunciação, mas pode deslocar-se no futuro simples.
Sep 29, 2015 at 22:17 history edited Jacinto CC BY-SA 3.0
grammar, rephrasing, and more examples
Sep 29, 2015 at 21:06 comment added Jacinto I'm afraid I'm getting too self-conscious to analyse these things properly. But maybe what's going on is that vou ter, vou poder, etc. hint at a beginning. And when you refer to something at a moment X in the future (say, having a driver's license) but that something has begun before X (as in my examples (f) to (h), then may vou ter doesn't sound so compelling anymore, and opens the way for terei. But it's not the per se: Gosto destas novas regras; assim já vou poder ganhar. I wouldn't say poderei here.
Sep 29, 2015 at 18:47 comment added Artefacto Interesting. It does seem that adverbs such as "já", "então", cue the simple future.
Sep 29, 2015 at 11:14 history answered Jacinto CC BY-SA 3.0