I have a presentation from the book "introducing translation studies" by Jeremy Munday and there is this part that I don’t understand. It’s a little too advanced for me. Could anyone please explain it?
Baker is typical of many translation scholars who make detailed use of the terminology of functional grammar and discourse analysis in that she devotes the most attention to the textual function. Explicit analyses of the ideational and interpersonal functions are fewer (though see section 6.4 later). "Baker focuses more on thematic considerations, comparing nominalization and verbal forms in theme position in a scientific report in Brazilian Portuguese and English "(Baker 2011: 178–9). Thus, for example, the ST begins with a pronominal verbal form (my emphasis):
- Analisou-se as relações da dopamina cerebral com as funções motoras.
[Analysed-one the relations of dopamine with the motor functions.]The published English translation presents a normalized word order with the selection of an English passive form in final position (my emphasis):
- The relations between dopamine and motor functions were analysed.
However, for this example Baker recommends a different order of elements (i.e. a different thematic structure) so as to meet the genre conventions of English abstracts. This involves the use of the nominalization analysis in first position as the ‘theme’ of the sentence, along with a different passive verbal form (is carried out):
- An analysis is carried out of the relations between dopamine and motor functions.
How does she exactly compare "Analisou-se" and "analysis"?