When I was in Brazil, I learned to use the word violão to refer to an acoustic guitar, and guitarra to refer to an electric guitar.
However, according to Priberam, guitarra has the following definition:
- [Música] Instrumento de cordas dedilhadas, com um braço dividido em semitons por filetes de metal. (Na guitarra eléctrica, os sons são captados por micros e ampliados.)
This seems to suggest that guitarra has both an acoustic and an electric version.
And violão:
Viola grande, com seis cordas, das quais três são bordões.
Which leads to viola:
Instrumento musical análogo à guitarra, mas de sons mais baixos e com a caixa em forma de 8; banza.
This directly contrasts a viola (a small violão) to a guitarra (presumably an acoustic one).
Google doesn't clear up any confusion as a search for violão shows images of acoustic guitars, and guitarra shows both acoustic and electric guitars.
Clearly all of these words relate to various stringed instruments, where the strings may be plucked and/or played with a bow. But what, specifically, do these words refer to regionally?
My best guess is that the vocabulary I learned is specific to Brazil, and that in Portugal the vocabulary may be somewhat different.
What do these words (violão and guitarra) refer to in Brazil and in Portugal (or any other regions of note)? What is the best way to refer to the instruments represented by the English terms guitar and electric guitar (and for that matter, violin) in these regions?