I always wondered how the superscript is used in Portuguese and why I have both found nº and n.º for the abbreviation of número in different texts.
According to Ciberdúvidas a ponto abreviativo (an abbreviation full stop or dot) is always required in any abbreviation, examples:
║ Palavra ou locução ║ Abreviatura ║
║ artigo ║ art.º ║
║ número ║ n.º ║
║ por exemplo ║ p. ex. ║
║ se faz favor ║ s. f. f. ║
║ Senhor ║ Sr. ║
║ Sua Excelência ║ S. Ex.ª ║
║ Primeiro ║ 1.º ║
║ Segunda ║ 2.ª ║
I didn't know primeiro should be written as 1.º, since I have always read it before as 1º (the same happens to the remaining ordinal indicators).
In fact, the remaining smaller lowercase letters above the baseline are called superior letters, technically "superscripted minuscule letters" (a "distinct style from superscript").
French doesn't require the dot, e.g. Messrs Dupond & Dupont, Bandes Dessinées, but Spanish and Portuguese do. What is the reason behind this? Are all non-dotted abbreviations incorrect in Portuguese?